I learned how to lucid dream.

Prakhar Singh
2 min readAug 21, 2020
Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

First of all, let me clear what is a lucid dream, A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment.

So first of all in order to control your dream, you have to start sleeping for at least 8 hours because our body requires proper sleep to get dreams, You can wear a smartwatch to study your sleep pattern. Deep sleep generally means that you in getting dreams after a few days of study you will observe that time is much faster our dreams.

Now start writing all your dream in a diary or any app as soon as you wake up because your brain is trained to forget these type of dream, you should start writing everything you saw *in your dream after doing this for 2–3 week you will start remembering more and more about your dreams.

The last step and the most important step after writing your dreams then you will observe that the dream is somewhat related day before. Let us take an example, Like you want to a grocery and you saw a very expensive car which you can’t afford and soon you forget about that…later that night you will have a dream related to that car. (In short, dream displays are the thought which you forget to think in the day).

If you revert this somehow you can control your dream, like if you want to dream about being a billionaire then think of being a billion for slight seconds and then try to do something else to forget that. The chance of you getting that dream will increase if you don't think about it a lot (not more than seconds or two). If still don't get that dream try again the next day it is not easy to control our dreams but it is not impossible.



Prakhar Singh

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